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DEFAULT OPTIONS [expand]threshold of 0.01, human genes, 100 genes per page, 10 supporting publications per gene, 5 page links per page.


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Please, enter the ticket number for the results that you want to retrieve.

LAST UPDATES [01/07/2011]: GLAD4U last updated on 01/07/2011, GLAD4U core last updated on 11/16/2018.

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Disclaimer: GLAD4U relies on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)'s Pubmed data to function. As such, it is important for our users to know that the National Library of Medicine (NLM) does not claim the copyright on the abstracts in PubMed; however, journal publishers or authors may. NLM provides no legal advice concerning distribution of copyrighted materials. Please, refer to for full NCBI's copyright and disclaimers.

Zhang Lab
©2008-2024 J.Jourquin, D.Duncan, B.Zhang